Monday, May 17, 2010

Hulu - Thing 19

Hulu is an online video site that was a take-off on the YouTube phenomenon. It'a primarly goal is to attact TV and movie lovers to its site. It uses advertisements to pay its way.

Miss your favorite espisode of a TV series? Check Hulu to see if it is there. Its draw is that you can select and play it on demand. You never have to miss out on what is happening on your favorite show. Another neat feature allows you to have some interaction by posting comments and get feedback from others interested in the same series or movie you are.

Hulu is starting to have some competition; the revenue generated by the ads is a strong incentive to create new video sites based on this idea.

Each episode is preceeded by the announcement that there will be limited commercial interuptions. While a commercial is airing there is a countdown clock show how much time the commercial will play. I watched a "Making a Scene" episode from 24. It began with a short commercial, showed a little teaser to what was going to be presented on the show, had a commercial and the then aired the show. It lasted 8:02 minutes. Nice way to present the segment. Searches are easy with lots of choices to see on the opening page as well as being able to do searches. I finally got to see the Betty White Super Bowl commercial.


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